Welcome to your iCURATED! We’ve scoured the world for the best stuff. Subscribe today and we’ll share our “iCURATED CARDS” with you:
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What do we do? We’re publishing a collection of super-cool, DIGITAL iCURATED CARDS about all the things that make life better. iCURATED CARDS are made up of unequal parts life hack, humor, witty snippet and shiny pearls of wisdom about a broad range of subjects. They’re like collectible baseball cards, only we feature life’s little ‘magic tricks’ instead of athletes.
PLUS, you can add your 2 cents’ worth, too, and claim expert status on the subjects that matter to you.
You’ll appreciate our wisdom if:
- You suspect there is a simpler, more elegant way to do most things;
- You hold dearly that there is a fine balance between form + function;
- You are no slave to conglomerates;
- You enjoy being smarter than other people, but you’ll never gloat (too much) when you find a (cheaper/better/faster) way to do something;
- You enjoy being entertained.
From time to time – up to several per week – we’ll notify you of another cool discovery. But don’t worry, mi amour, you always remain in control of how many notifications we send (and how often).
What’s the risk? These FREE iCURATED CARDS help you enjoy life, boost your superpowers, and discover things that we think no one should live without.
Please join us and we’ll share our collection with you.